Okay so you started your home based business. The next thing most home based business owners think of is when I am going to make some sales to start making some money? Well if everyone knew the answer to this question 97% of home based business would not end in failure. There are ways out there to increase your chances of getting leads to more qualified prospects. Putting yourself in alignment with receiving some of those more qualified leads can go a long way in determining success or failure as a home based business owner.

Strategy #1: Track Your Advertising Campaigns

Many advanced back offices of certain home based business opportunities will have a feature in which you can track your advertising campaigns. Take advantage of this tool and maximize it to help you see where your time and money should be going towards when marketing your business. If you do not have access to a comprehensive back office there is still ways to track your advertising. Simply ask your leads how they found out about you and most importantly find out which feature of your ad drew them to yours over other ads. Remember time is money, so channel your efforts in terms of advertising to those options that have proved successful in the past.

Strategy #2: Identify a Target Market

As a home based business owner we would love to believe that everyone has an interest in our product. Unfortunately this way of thinking becomes the demise of many businesses not just ones in the home business area. Try unique ways to market your product to your target audience rather then trying to appeal to a mass audience. Have confidence in your product and most importantly in your demographic to which you are trying to sell. Successful entrepreneurs have the confidence that their marketing strategies will change the game and leads will pour in as a result. Without this confidence it leads one to grasp at straws and market to anyone and everyone who will listen.

Strategy #3: Offer Incentives for Referrals

When people think incentive they think money. It is true our society is driven by the power of green. However I suggest tailoring your incentive to the interests and hobbies of those who give you a referral. This will keep you fresh in their mind and they will think of you whenever they look at what they bought with your gift certificate to their favorite boutique or department store. Also these types of gifts in general show more thought and in a sales environment people will refer their friends and family to someone they trust. We all need help getting our home based business off the ground so do not be ashamed to ask for help in the form of referrals, you will be surprised how willing people are to help you grow your business.


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